Tag Archive | dealing with sadness

It’s Never the Same

Each day that draws August 19th near makes my heart break.

Another “first”.  Mom’s birthday. Without her.

Tonight I look at photos over at Facebook.  I scroll past this year and as I hit the November-December mark of last year, I see photos that family took of our last days with mom.  Her pixie cut hair.  Those sharp facial features.  The cheekbones and chin that becomes prominent everytime she smiles.  I miss those.

The hubs and the little one are on their way home.  The maid and I will follow.  Its a long weekend for us and what a great coincidence that it falls on her birthday.

Mom, you told Maja in her dream that if ever I needed to talk to you, you’re just there.

I miss you.  Mostly tonight. Tomorrow. And especially on Sunday. 

I finally fixed the locket tonight.  So I’ll be wearing you close to my heart every single day.


33 years was not enough for us to be together.

But I know you are happy and content to be where you are now. 

And with my tears, I still am glad.